Once again, Cardiolink contributes a small grain of sand in humanitarian actions like the one carried out during this week in the Rural Hospital of Ulongué, in the area of ​​Angonia, Mozambique, where a first campaign has been organized by a team of health professionals, some of whose members are Spanish surgeons: Dr. Teresa Butrón, Hospital 12 de Octubre, Dr. Lucía Catot, Hospital 2 de Mayo, Dr. José Manuel Hernández, Hospital Antequera, Dr. Claudia Tinoco, Hospital Río Hortega and Dr. Miguel Ángel Morán, pediatric surgeon of Hospital Quirón de Badajoz, along with his team of anesthetists, Dr. Pilar Murga, Hospital Infanta Cristina and Dr. Ana Pizarro, Hospital Gregorio Marañón and Mercedes Contreras as a nurse at the Hospital 12 de Octubre. Initially, this first campaign was going to be to treat abdominal wall pathology, but have been found with various cases such as laparotomies, several hydroceles, even hemorrhoidal pathology, laparotomy of splenic cyst, etc., so the goal of this project it will be possible to carry out more surgical campaigns like this one to offer patients a solution that improves their quality of life, taking into account that they live in a very poor area, with scarce resources.

On this occasion, we were able to cooperate with the donation of surgical light rings RUTILIGHT®, manufactured by the Spanish company SWAN MEDICAL, which adapt to any instrument, providing the necessary direct light to be able to visualize the surgical field in extreme and precarious situations such as those they suffer from hospital facilities like the one visited on this occasion. Both the surgeons who used frontal light and those who did not use it, agreed on the enormous advantages provided by our device RUTILIGHT®, to be able to operate without the need of frontal light and to be able to access deep surgical fields, where the vision is, usually , very small. As Dr. Catot mentioned: “Here there is no light, therefore we operate with frontal, with what RUTILIGHT® has given us the light, because with RUTILIGHT® we do not need the front, it’s a spectacular change.”

We congratulate all the team members in this expedition and we encourage to continue contributing voluntarily to free access to medicine and surgery of thousands of patients who have no possibility if it were not for organizations like this one.