


Comparison of dry seal vs. wet seal drainage

2024-04-04T11:18:46+00:00April 4th, 2024|Publications, ICU, Cardiolink, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology|

Thoracic medicine has undergone significant advances over the years, and chest drainage has become a crucial tool in the management of various conditions. Pioneers in this field include the British scientist Sir Hugh Owen Thomas (1), who contributed to the development of orthopaedic techniques and whose treatment principles influenced several areas of medicine, including thoracic [...]

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São João, pioneer Portuguese hospital center to deploy an innovative technique for Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) closure

2020-03-05T15:07:59+00:00March 5th, 2020|Cardiolink, Cardiology|

For the first time in Portugal, a state-of-the-art technique for Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) closure through vascular stitching which does not require cardiac surgery nor any device implant has been deployed. The new technique was enforced by the Cardiology Service and Haemodynamic Unit in the São João Hospital Center, in Porto. The PFO is a [...]

The Lap Studio training WS in HURH

2019-10-25T11:15:19+00:00October 25th, 2019|Cardiolink, Cardiology, General surgery|

This 24th and 25th of October, Cardiolink has joined the VIII Jornadas de Cirugía Laparoscópica in Hospital Universitario Río Hortega (HURH, Valladolid). On the booth, we have shown some of our products like the abdominal repair meshes or the portable and foldable training system for surgical laparoscopic techniques. Besides, on Wednesday, we organized a training [...]

¡No hay nada mejor que empezar el 2019 con todo el equipo Cardiolink reunidos!

2019-01-24T15:12:38+00:00January 24th, 2019|Suelo pélvico, Coloproctología, Endoscopia, Organ preservation, ICU, Cardiolink, Radiology, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology, General surgery|

¿Vale la pena celebrar una convención de venta hoy en día? Sin duda, sí. Una reunión anual de ventas es fundamental para el éxito y cumplimiento de metas y es una oportunidad única para reconocer el desempeño del año anterior e inspirar los logros para los siguientes doce meses. El evento también contó con la presencia [...]

Technological innovation in HEALTHIO CONGRESS

2018-10-16T09:50:34+00:00October 16th, 2018|Suelo pélvico, Coloproctología, Organ preservation, Cardiolink, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology, General surgery|

From October 16th  to 18th we will have the honor of being able to present Rutilight ® as an innovative product in surgical technology at the hands of IGTP - Trias i Pujol German Research Institute -, which is the main objective of scientific knowledge to transform it into an improvement in  Health and medical [...]

RUTILIGHT® lights up in Mozambique

2018-05-03T08:29:02+00:00May 2nd, 2018|Coloproctología, Organ preservation, Cardiolink, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology, General surgery|

Once again, Cardiolink contributes a small grain of sand in humanitarian actions like the one carried out during this week in the Rural Hospital of Ulongué, in the area of ​​Angonia, Mozambique, where a first campaign has been organized by a team of health professionals, some of whose members are Spanish surgeons: Dr. Teresa Butrón, [...]


2018-03-26T10:20:24+00:00March 19th, 2018|Organ preservation, Cardiolink, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology, General surgery|

La técnica de endosutura laparoscópica requiere mucha práctica y destreza con el instrumental. Para ello, se realizarán cursos dirigidos de la mano del Dr. Dyego Benevenuto, enfocados a diferentes servicios de cirugía y poniendo a su disposición la mejor herramienta para practicar de forma ilimitada y en el lugar que uno escoja: EL SISTEMA DE ENTRENAMIENTO LAP-BOX. [...]


2018-02-26T12:14:44+00:00February 21st, 2018|Coloproctología, Endoscopia, Organ preservation, ICU, Cardiolink, Radiology, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology, General surgery|

One more year and we keep growing! It's been 14 years since Cardiolink was formed and for all of us, it's a pleasure to have such a team. A trusted team, full of enthusiasm and a lot of professionalism, from the logistics team, through administration, management, marketing ... to the great sales staff, which has [...]


2018-01-11T10:50:09+00:00January 11th, 2018|Organ preservation, Cardiolink, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology|

On February 8, the II  Pediatric Heart Failure Symposium will take place, which will include ventricular assistance and myocardial protection as the main theme. An event that will bring together great professionals at national and international level, from different hospital areas: cardiac surgeons, perfusionists, pediatricians, intensivists, etc., with the aim of presenting and debating the [...]

Día Europeo para la prevención de Riesgos Cardiovasculares

2017-03-16T15:10:15+00:00March 14th, 2017|Cardiolink, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology|

El 14 de marzo se celebra el día europeo para la prevención de riesgos cardiovasculares y Cardiolink Group quiere centrar su atención en cubrir todas las necesidades desde su división cardíaca y cardiología intervencionista, ofreciéndole la mejor tecnología y cubriendo todas sus necesidades en todo aquello relacionado con el corazón. Y, es que, las enfermedades [...]




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