


eTeaching: Hystero Pectopexy & laparoscopic Cystocoele Repair

2020-11-24T09:46:28+00:00November 24th, 2020|endoscopy, pelvic floor, laparoscopy, cirugía laparoscópica, Suelo pélvico, Endoscopia|

The International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy (ISGE), organizes an eTeaching this following Saturday 28th at 1pm (CET) regarding Hystero Pectopexy & laparoscopic Cystocoele Repair, which will be led by Dr. Günter Noé (Dormagen’s Hospital, Germany). This online session is part of the multiple webinars, teleconferences and nearly-life surgeries organized by ISGE on its e-learning program. [...]

Allium will launch its urological stents for treating ureteral fistulas after receiving CE Mark

2020-10-27T08:32:04+00:00October 27th, 2020|Endoscopia|

Allium Medical Solutions Ltd., which specializes in minimally invasive technologies providing to large markets innovative solutions for clinical needs that are not adequately addressed, announced today that its urological stents received CE Mark for a new indication for treating urethral fistula after a successful trial. An ureteral fistula is caused by injury during surgery or [...]

Webinar: soluciones de stent en estenosis uretrales, casos con lesión medular

2020-07-02T10:42:54+00:00July 2nd, 2020|Endoscopia|

Following the series of webinars organized by Allium Medical Solutions on minimal stenting solutions in urinary tract strictures, in Cardiolink we would like to encourage urologists to take part in the next online session, which will be held next Tuesday 7th at 3pm. This time, the online session will also be held in Spanish by [...]

Dr. Neymeyer’s Webinar on Allium’s URS stent: main features and indications

2020-04-20T14:08:25+00:00April 20th, 2020|endoscopy, Endoscopia, Cardiolink|

In Cardiolink, we would like to encourage urologists to take part in the live-webinar with Dr. Joerg Neymeyer (Head of Uro-Gynecology Department in the Medical University Charité, in Berlin), which will take place next Thursday 23rd at 5pm. This webinar organised by Allium, is part of an ongoing series of online clinical sessions in which [...]

¡No hay nada mejor que empezar el 2019 con todo el equipo Cardiolink reunidos!

2019-01-24T15:12:38+00:00January 24th, 2019|Suelo pélvico, Coloproctología, Endoscopia, Organ preservation, ICU, Cardiolink, Radiology, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology, General surgery|

¿Vale la pena celebrar una convención de venta hoy en día? Sin duda, sí. Una reunión anual de ventas es fundamental para el éxito y cumplimiento de metas y es una oportunidad única para reconocer el desempeño del año anterior e inspirar los logros para los siguientes doce meses. El evento también contó con la presencia [...]

Congreso SEED, Zaragoza

2018-11-16T12:19:29+00:00November 16th, 2018|Endoscopia, Cardiolink|

No podíamos faltar en el Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Endoscopia Digestiva SEED, que se celebra del 15 al 17 de noviembre en el Auditorio Palacio de Congresos de Zaragoza, presentando nuestro innovador stent para conducto biliar-pancreático ARCHIMEDES, el cual ofrece la ventaja de ser BIOREABSORVIBLE, minimizando así futuras complicaciones en el paciente post-cirugía. [...]


2018-02-26T12:14:44+00:00February 21st, 2018|Coloproctología, Endoscopia, Organ preservation, ICU, Cardiolink, Radiology, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology, General surgery|

One more year and we keep growing! It's been 14 years since Cardiolink was formed and for all of us, it's a pleasure to have such a team. A trusted team, full of enthusiasm and a lot of professionalism, from the logistics team, through administration, management, marketing ... to the great sales staff, which has [...]

34th National Training Edition S.E.G.O. 2017

2017-07-05T12:04:02+00:00June 12th, 2017|Endoscopia, Cardiolink|

From June 12 to 16, the 34th SEGO National Training in Oviedo is held, where experts in gynecology and obstetrics will share experiences and discuss clinical updates in this area, in which technological innovation and research Great prominence. For this reason, Dr. Santiago Barambio will present his experience with our visualization and aspiration system GynoVision, [...]

Technological innovation in endoscopy: OMOM 2 capsule

2017-08-02T08:27:09+00:00May 30th, 2017|Endoscopia|

OMOM 2, an endoscopic capsule system for the detection of diseases in the gastrointestinal tract. After the patient swallows it, the capsule will move through the gastrointestinal tract, take pictures and transmit the images wirelessly in real time to the recorder that carries the patient. Doctors will then be able to download the images to [...]




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