


Webinar: The Rationale for Mesh Repair of Large Hiatus Hernias

2020-08-31T10:37:18+00:00August 31st, 2020|General surgery|

Following the series of webinars organized by Dynamesh, in Cardiolink we would like to encourage you to take part in the next online session, which will be held next Wednesday 23rd at 4pm. The online session will be held in English by Mr. Simon Toh (Portsmouth Hospital University NHS Trust). This Webinar will look at [...]

Webinar: Pathology of Surgical Meshes – State of the Art

2020-08-28T12:11:57+00:00August 28th, 2020|General surgery|

Following the series of webinars organized by Dynamesh, in Cardiolink we would like to encourage you to take part in the next online session, which will be held next Thursday 17th at 4pm. The online session will be held in English by Dr. Bernd Klosterhalfen (Institute of Pathology, Dueren, Germany). In this webinar, Prof. Klosterhalfen [...]




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