


Great success in the Workshop of abdominal repair surgery

2018-12-24T12:10:32+00:00December 21st, 2018|Cardiolink, General surgery|

There are abdominal surgeries that can be more complex than others. With the advance of the years and the technology, abdominal repair meshes have become essential for abdominal wall closure, increasing its effectiveness and decreasing the risk of second interventions due to recurrence. But not all the meshes are made of the same material, so [...]

Workshop Endoleak II at HUCA

2018-12-19T10:57:33+00:00December 19th, 2018|Cardiolink, Radiology, General surgery|

Today we carry out a Workshop at the University Hospital of Asturias, directed by Prof. Loffroy, Head of the Department of Vascular and Interventional Radiology at the mini-invasive image-guided therapies center, at the François-Mitterrand University Hospital, France, where We treat a patient with aortic aneurysm (endoleak II) by embolizing with Glubran2, effectively and safely.




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