


News from DynaMesh®

2018-10-16T11:33:47+00:00October 16th, 2018|Cardiolink, General surgery|

We are pleased to publish this type of news in which DynaMesh® has won before the European Patent Office, when in May 2006, Ethicon filed an appeal against the European patent of FEG. But it is not just this news that announces FEG DynaMesh®. Among many others, are the following: Later this year, it plans [...]

Technological innovation in HEALTHIO CONGRESS

2018-10-16T09:50:34+00:00October 16th, 2018|Suelo pélvico, Coloproctología, Organ preservation, Cardiolink, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology, General surgery|

From October 16th  to 18th we will have the honor of being able to present Rutilight ® as an innovative product in surgical technology at the hands of IGTP - Trias i Pujol German Research Institute -, which is the main objective of scientific knowledge to transform it into an improvement in  Health and medical [...]




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